Abs (Pooch be gone) / Obliques (No more muffin top) / Videos (Workout with me)

Standing Abs

When people think about working their abs the first things that come to mind are likely floor exercises. But today, we are defying the obvious and throwing caution to the wind!

I bring you….a standing abdominal workout! I suppose this really is more of an oblique workout, but it uses your abs nonetheless. It’s especially good for melting those stubborn muffin tops that most people hate (at least I do!). My favorite part about this workout is that it’s versatile. I’ll do these exercises in bootcamp, sculpt, and core fusion.

Even better? You can do this at home! No equipment necessary. You’ll just need a small washcloth or towel- this will actually help you keep your muscles engaged and also allow you to use your lats.

275 thoughts on “Standing Abs

  1. Pingback: New Nostalgia – 6 Do Anywhere Stretches & Workouts For Your Week

  2. Pingback: My Favorite Pinterest Workouts - Heart Love Weddings

  3. hello tori
    i always like ur videos especially standing abs part 1,2,& 3.
    in many countries you tube is bend,bypassing proxy and run you tube its quite difficult.
    i appreciate a lot if you put ur vids on other forms like vino,daily motion etc ,and also allow to downloading .am sure u wont like your viewers to get out of shape just because u didn’t give them other options 🙂

    • Hi Zavia,
      Thanks for letting me know about this issue! I’ll look into one of the video sharing sites you mentioned- just give me a couple of weeks. Also, I’m not sure how many of the original video files I still have on my computer, but I’ll be sure to put up the ones I do.

    • Yes youtube is banned in my country and i was so keen to watch this exercise but i couldn’t unfortunately. If you don’t mind can you write me the procedure of this exercise?
      I am so concerned about my tummy pouch and i really wanto get rid of it 😦

  4. Pingback: 60 – Day Workout Challenge – 2nd Week Exercise Log

  5. Pingback: Standing Abs Three | Tori Teaches Fitness

  6. I have a question… do you know about how many calories this burns? I am adding this to my jogging/exercise routine and like to have an average of calories for something. Thank you.

    • Sorry, Liz, I don’t! A lot of people have asked me this question, but I find that calories burned is so variable depending on individual height and weight. The best I can suggest is a calorie estimator- you can use 10 minutes of strength activity or intermediate aerobic.

  7. Thank you so much for posting this, Im hoping that this helps out. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (mine is called hashymotos disease) at 21 and i got extremely sick while they were figuring out my dosage of medicine, so four years later im feeling better but cant lose any of the weight i gained while they were working out the dosage, I went from 115 at 21 up to 140 now at 25, every exercise and diet i have done hasnt changed my weight at all, either up or down, so im hoping by doing this routine plus some other leg exercises hopefully i can lose my stomach, second butt and now larger butt, fingers crossed. Do you have any other exercises such as leg or buttocks workouts to try?

    Thank you

    • Hi Nicole,
      I’m sorry to hear about your going through such a difficult situation! If you’re looking for other exercises, click on the links to the right of my blog in the word cloud or categories; you can click on “glutes: getting junk in the trunk,” “Quads,” or “Thighs.” Those will take you to videos that emphasize those areas. Good luck! And let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with 🙂

  8. I love this workout!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m paring it with a workout I saw on body rock tv and a running workout. How many calories would you say this particular workout burns? I need to know so I can track it..Thanks!

    • Hi Megan,
      I unfortunately really don’t know how many calories this burns. I really think that the number will depend a lot on individuals height/weight. If you need a really rough estimate you can always try using an online calculator and see what it says for 10 minutes of medium aerobic exercise. Sorry I couldn’t be more help!

  9. Hi!

    I love this workout. At first, it didn’t seem so hard, but then i felt sweat dripping down my face =)
    I also like your voice, it’s very encouraging!

    Keep up the good work =)

      • Can you maybe just help me with one thing?
        I’ve been doing this kind of exercises for a while now, but now every time I bend over (like in your first exercise with a towel) I get really bad pain in my back (back side of my ribs). What can I do to stop the pain?

      • You mean the side crunch with the towel? Do you have the pain when you don’t use your leg (the modified version) or when you add your leg in? You shouldn’t have any pain with the exercise- if you’re concerned you can always try seeing a doctor or physical therapist. My only suggestion would be to modify the exercise so that you still feel challenged but without the pain- for example, don’t bend to the side as deeply and stay up higher. You can also stick to doing these without using your legs at all.

  10. SO happy I found this! I have a heart condition, and have also had surgery to correct my scoliosis in my back, so finding workouts I am actually able to do is difficult. I had zero difficulty with this, and I’m looking forward to seeing results. Thank you for posting this, keep up the good work!!

  11. Hi. I’m sorry to bother you but I happened to run across your weblog and discovered you’re using the exact
    same template as me. The only problem is on my website,
    I’m unable to get the page layout looking like yours. Would you mind emailing me at: torsten_street@googlemail.com so I can get this figured out. By the way I have bookmarked your web site: http://toriteachesfitness.com/2012/06/03/standing-abs/ and will certainly be visiting frequently. Thankyou!

    • Hi-
      That email didn’t work when I tried it. You can email me at toriteachesfitness@gmail.com if you like. Here’s what I’d tried to send: I just go to appearance–> themes –> then I selected “ocean mist.” In terms of the sidebar on the right, you have to go to appearance–> widgets and drag and drop the features you’d like on your webpage. Let me know if you have other questions!

  12. Hi, how can I go about following you and getting easy access to your exercises and recipes? Do you have a facebook or a website?

  13. Hey Tori, I have a question. If I do this exercise( everyday) just this excercise would it actually make my belly flat? 🙂

    • Hi Carolina,
      I suppose it’s possible, but I’d guess unlikely. It’s really important to have variation in your workouts in order to keep your body guessing. Cardio workouts and eating really healthy are also important factors. It’s hard to know which workout/diet combination will really bring about changes, and this will vary depending on the individual. Sorry I can’t give you a straight answer! But definitely try different things and see what works for you

    • Hi Kalyn,
      You can definitely do these exercises while pregnant, but it will just depend on how far along you are and what you are comfortable with. If anything hurts or becomes too strenuous (in an unusual or unfamiliar way) then you should definitely listen to your body and modify or take a break. But if you have no issues with the exercises other than feeling slightly challenged, you should be just fine! Congratulations and best of luck 🙂

  14. Hi Tori,

    Is this standing ab workout ok do if I have slight separation of my abs after c-section? I want to tone up my tummy.

    Your response would be gratefully received.


    • Hi Nasrin,
      Another reader actually asked me this a few months ago, and I don’t really have a good answer for you. I think that as long as nothing is painful, you should be ok with these exercises. That being said, it is important to consult with your physician about the safety aspects of exercise with an abdominal separation. I’m not sure what restrictions go along with the situation (if any). Best of luck!

  15. I really want to do this but it will not let me watch the video is there a way you can email it to me or send me another website to watch it at

  16. I am loving this work out hoping to melt this muffin top (or what’s left of it) before a military ball in a couple of weeks!!

  17. I just did this for the first time and i can really feel the burn…I love that i didn’t have to get on the floor….

  18. I found this on pinterest. I’ve been working to slim down my tummy… been picking up the cardio a lot, but I like to be able to really feel which muscles I’m using- it makes a workout more satisfying to me haha. I did this workout an hour ago and I already feel it in my love handles!! I’m hooked – thank you!!

  19. loving this workout but I have issues with my hip (or hip flexor area) popping when I do the side “crunches” so I have to modify by keeping my leg more to the front of me. This has always been an issue for me though, nothing weird about your work out! I was wondering if you had suggestions for modifications or do you think I will have a similar effect this way? Thanks in advance!

    • Hi Sarah,
      You can actually just not even lift your leg at all if it bothers you. If you’re pulling on the towel and really moving through your sides you should have a workout that is just as effective. You can also do exercises from other parts of the video that don’t bother you as much (I also have standing abs 2 which modifies things a bit).

  20. I have A LOT to widdle down (a good 8-10 inches) how often would you recommend to see results? And any other advice on shrinking a belly quickly?

    • Hi Sara,
      The number one thing I always tell readers is that you need to have variation in your workouts. I’m pretty sure that even if you found the best workout ever and did exclusively that, you wouldn’t see the same results as you would had you switched it up. So the amount of times you do this workout is really up to you- the main thing is that it never feels easy and also that it’s not the only thing you’re doing.
      If you’re looking to shrink your belly you can also try my “Abs challenge series.” These are probably the BEST ab exercises that can be done. In addition to this, it’s also important to work in some cardio and also to eat very well. I learned the hard way that no matter how much I worked out, the only way to see a noticeable change was to eat very healthy. You can always check out my recipes tab for some ideas if you need them!

  21. I Can’t believe I just did that! AWESOME!!!!! Love it! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  22. Pingback: Week One: 21 Day Ab Challenge

  23. I really want to get into my swim suit! But Im not sure when the perfect time is to do this. I was wondering if I should do this after or before I eat. Sorry if this is a stupid question.

    • There are no stupid questions!! Research shows that it doesn’t really seem to matter when we work out, or whether we work out all at one time vs. scattered throughout the day- which is great because it gives all of us the flexibility to workout whenever we want! So it’s really up to you. Most nutritionists recommend at least having something small before working out if you exercise in the morning (for example, a piece of low fat cheese and/or fruit before hitting the gym really early and then breakfast after). The main thing is that you’ll need some fuel before exercising to push yourself, but not everyone feels this way. I personally like to exercise about 1 1/2-2 hours after I eat a meal or about 30 minutes-1 hour after a small snack. Let me know if you have other questions!

  24. Since its been so long since I have done any type of working out, I found it hard to do any type of ab exercises while laying down, but this was so simple. I plan to do it 3-5 times a day. Do you know roughly how many calories this workout burns? Thank you for such an awesome work out

    • I’m not sure how many calories this one burns- I just know it’s good at making me sore! I’m glad that it works well for you 🙂 Just make sure you don’t get too used to it or too bored; it’s good to keep your body guessing!

    • Hi Lindsey,
      By reps do you mean number of times doing this video? If so, then I’d say as much as you want! The main thing is that you get a lot of variation in- try to switch up your workouts and do a lot of different things. This will keep your body guessing and keep things challenging.

      • I am 55 years, have had major lower back surgery in 2008 with hardware. The weight I have put on, is not good for my health or my back. Am I to old or is the workout to much for me?

      • Hi Elli,
        I don’t believe anyone is ever “too old” for workouts!! I’ve had people in their 70’s and up doing my classes before, it’s just a matter of knowing your own limits. That being said, there’s no good way for me to tell if the workout is too much for you- but you know the best so go with your gut! You want to be challenged, but you don’t want to be in extreme pain (that’s never good). So give it a try, and if something feels like it doesn’t work for you then stop or modify. Good luck!

  25. I just did this workout last night. It was AWESOME!! I was sweating and out of breath (In a good way). I love how quick it was too! And I gotta tell you I am HURTIN today…which makes me so happy cuz I know it really worked!! This will definitely become part of my regular routine! Thank you so much for posting!!

  26. This is a really fun exercise! I do not really have a problem with my “love handles”, does this exercise also help to get rid of a pooch?

    • Hi Christina-
      It will help, but it’s just not the same target area. If you’re going for pooch then I’d say definitely try my “Abs Challenge Series.” There are 4 levels, and they’re great for pooch area! I also have a link in the word cloud to the right of the blog.

  27. Hi, I just did your ab workout and yes my heart rate is going and I feel like I had a good work out, but I don’t feel it in my abs at all. Am I don’t something wrong? I have a “muffin top, as I call it my bakary, ha!” and I’m getting married in three months and would like to lose this weight! I came across your work out and tried it this morning, but like I said, I don’t feel it in my abs. What could I be doing wrong, or what do I need to fix? Thank you!!

    • Hi Samantha,
      Usually you won’t feel it in your abs until the next day- so I’d say give it 24 hours. You should feel sore in your obliques. It’s shocking, really, because you don’t realize while doing the workout!!
      If not, just make sure that you are really squeezing your abs in and pulling the towel apart. Let me know if this doesn’t help.

      • You are completely right! I did feel it the next day, but is my back suppossed to hurt? I really feel it in my “love handles”. – I just got a treadmill, should I run on that for a bit then do your workout? And should I rotate between your ab & leg work out or do them all the same day, everyday? — 21 questions! But your the best person to ask!

      • It’s completely up to you in terms of how you’d like to break up the workout/which order to do it in. Research shows that it really doesn’t matter what the order is. I’d recommend mixing in some cardio with toning, just because they complement each other nicely. You can do abs and legs every day or on different days depending on how you feel- the most important thing is that you do different ab workouts and different leg workouts to keep your body guessing. I’m sorry if that’s vague! But it’s really all about what you find works best for you.

        In terms of your back hurting it depends. You are using your latissimus dorsi muscle (on your sides) which wraps around to the low back on the sides. So if it’s muscle soreness connected to the love handle area, that’s probably ok. If it feels like a deeper bone pain or strain more in the center of the low back then it may be something else going on. Sometimes, if we don’t pull in abdominal muscles tight enough we can over compensate with back muscles, so just be wary of that.

  28. Pingback: Vive Sano | Ecuadorian Art Lover

  29. I love this workout.since i’ve started med school i began to put on weight.my muffin top is my biggest problem.after doing this,im feelin the burn in my sides.thanks!!

  30. I am a mother of 4 an have been out shape
    For awhile now ! Hopefully ur work out
    Will help me feel thin an beautiful agin
    So thank you for your great workout video

  31. I just did this work out yesterday and loved it! I came back to do it again and it’s not there though! 😦 500 Empty API Response Data? Super lame…

    • Oh no! That’s no good 😦 I checked now and it’s working just fine. Did you try going directly through YouTube? Just search for standing abs or toriteachesfitness and it should pop up.

  32. Pingback: Day 89: Standing Ab Workout | 365ish Days of Pinterest

  33. Pingback: Pinspiring | projectmephilly

  34. I just wanna to Thank you !!! I have been in constant pain for a while now cause of a auto accident and I have put on alot of belly fat. I just need my abs and arms to start to tone up in order to start to feeling better! 3 Days in to Stand Up Abs Workout, Frist 2 days I was sore But day three I am feeling pretty good that I did The Long Slim Leg Workout too!I My arm’s are the weakest so next it will ab’s and arm’s.Thanks for sharing your workout’s.

  35. The keeping your chest forward & twisting your hips to the side exersise is hard for me, is there an easier way to do it or will it get easier over time of working at it? & should this work out be done everyday or what? thankssss!!!

    • Hi Casey,
      You can try the chest forward/hip twist portion of the video with steps instead of jumps, if that helps. You just step back kind of like the “Cha Cha” and take out the jumping. Once you get the hang of this you can try the jumping again- it will definitely still be effective as long as you keep your abs pulled in.

      Though this is a great workout, I typically don’t like to tell people to do it everyday. The only reason for this is that your body will start to get used to it, and the workout won’t be as effective. It’s up to you how often you do it, but I’d really encourage switching it up. As long as you’re getting in exercise variation, then it should always work. That being said, readers have told me they’ve done this everyday and seen results- so it will definitely vary by individual.

      I also have a couple of other standing abs videos along with a bunch of floor abs if you’re looking for some new workouts!

  36. Oh my gosh, this is perfect! I’m planning on doing this tonight. 😀 can I just say you are really pretty and skinny. I’m super jealous. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any videos to get rid of thigh fat because I have really big thighs that I want to get rid of. Haha if you have any of these videos can you leave me a link or something? That’ll be great and thank you!

  37. I just found this via Pinterest and went through the workout with you. What a workout. I know it is only 10 minutes, but I sure can feel it. I have had three back surgeries and was unable to lay on the floor to do exercises. Thank you so much for the standing exercises.

      • hi! i saw this on pinterest and tried it out it was GREAT! I love your outfit! Where did you get it or where is the best place to find comfy/cute workout clothes? I have 2 girls and had both of them by c-section my first was good and bounced back but my 2nd csection was rough and i now have skin and fat right above my csection scar that i just wont go away even after losing 60 lbs its still there and I dont have feeling in it. And also for toning/ regaining chest muscles i had a breast reduction and need to gain muscle back! thank you so much!!

      • Hi Keri!
        I actually don’t remember where the shirt is from, but the shorts are the Lululemon Speed short; I absolutely love them and actually just bought another pair in a different color! My favorite workout clothes are always Lululemon- it’s pretty expensive, but the clothes are so flattering and well made, and last forever (unlikely many clothes which will fade or tear over a year or two).
        It’s hard to predict which exercises will actually make the extra skin/fat go away (by the way, I’m SO impressed you lost that much weight!). I’d imagine just doing as many abdominal exercises as you can- particularly for lower abdominals. Standing abs will definitely help with “muffin tops” and extra flab on the sides, but isn’t as good for central abs. If you don’t have any pain or problems associated with this, I definitely recommend my abs challenge series (levels 1-4) they are really tough and definitely target that area.
        In terms of chest and back- push ups all the way!! I am not personally a fan of pushups, but they really are so great at toning everything. I have a chiseled chest video that introduces some more unique and fun exercises, but also have a push up video if you don’t want to use weights.
        Let me know if you need any other info!

  38. So happy I found this! I am skinny, but I have always struggled with having a “muffin top.” I plan on doing this exercise as well as the other ones you have available in hopes of saying goodbye to my love handles! With spring break about a month away, I really hope this works for me! Thanks for sharing! I will post before/after pictures if I am satisfied with the results 🙂

    • Thank you! Yes: the first is “Tonight is the night” by Chani and the second is “We are Young” by DJ shocker feat Dr. Pack. I got them from the clickmix website- there’s more info about my music under the music tab of my blog if you’re interested!

  39. Just came across your work out on Pinterest, I’ve been struggling to get rid of my muffin tops for years, I can’t wait to try this exercise out !

  40. by far my fave!
    thanks to you, i started working out again!
    will do this early morning and before sleeping!

  41. Love this video. Question, is this really going to help *my muffin top*? Ive lost 30 pounds after pregnancy and im 5’1 and around 110 112. But I really still just have love handles as I call them and not as ton stomach and really want to find a exercise to really help those areas! I hope this video helps me. Also, long do you think it will take to see results if i do thos routine every morning?

    • Hi Kara-
      30 pounds is impressive!! In terms of tightening up around the middle, these exercises should definitely help with muffin top problems. As with everything though, you want to make sure you’re always keeping your body guessing- because once your body gets used to a particular routine or exercise, it won’t be as effective anymore. I have a really good “abs challenge” series (4 different videos) that are also amazing ab stuff with obliques along with 2 other standing abs videos.

      In terms of when you see results, it will really depend on the individual. Several readers have told me they see results with this within 3 days to one week but I have never seen results that fast with anything. So it may also take longer. But it sounds like you’ve really got things figured out since you’ve already made such great progress!

      Thanks for your message 🙂 Let me know if you have other questions or if I can be more help.

      • You can navigate videos by category or tag in the word cloud to the right of my website or at the bottom of the page. You can also type what you’re looking for in the “search” box on the top right. All the videos are embedded in my blog. Otherwise, you can search toriteachesfitness on YouTube and you should get a bunch of them (not all come up though).

    • Funny you should ask, because another reader just asked me that earlier today! Here’s what I told her:
      I actually have no idea how many calories this burns. If you are looking for an estimate, you can try to find an online calculator and type in “moderate” activity along with your weight- but I’m not sure how reliable these are.

      It’s also more about the type of exercise; you could burn 200 calories on a treadmill and not feel sore but burn 200 calories doing toning exercises and feel REALLY sore and both exercises have very different effects on the body despite burning the same number of calories.

  42. Just found this on Pinterest and am very excited to try this out! Seems to be exactly what I’m looking for! I’ve been struggling with my weight since I had my daughter a year ago. Any idea how many caliories are burned during this routine? Thanks so much!

    • Hm, I actually have no idea how many calories this burns. If you want an estimate, you can try to find an online calculator and type in “moderate” activity along with your weight- but I’m not sure how reliable these are.

      It’s also more about the type of exercise; you could burn 200 calories on a treadmill and not feel sore but burn 200 calories doing toning exercises and feel REALLY sore and both exercises have very different effects on the body despite burning the same number of calories. Does that make sense?

      Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!!

  43. found you on pintrest and loved this standing routine. I have some issues with my back and i hate doing floor exercises (will do if i must) but ths was a nice change up

  44. Hi I really liked this!!! I am 56 and do try to stay fit. I found the faster pace was challenging for me but I did the best I could. I hope to improve as I go along. I think this will be great alternative to my regular cardio on my
    off days. Any suggestions for us older girls?

    • Hi Rita!
      I’m glad you were able to follow 🙂 I think that most of my workouts tend to be pretty similar pacing and level of difficulty. I try to show and explain possible modifications for most of them though! If you ever watch something that you feel you need modification for then just let me know and I’ll give you an alternative.

      In terms of pacing- I think my cardio videos are overall faster and the plyometrics videos are especially killers. You can try the workouts under the “Core Fusion” tag; these are really challenging, but move less quickly and focus on smaller muscle groups.

      I hope I answered your question! Let me know what you think.


      • I’m a bigger woman and by that i mean overweight. I was able to do everything in the workout without too much difficulty. Aside from the jumping!! i’ll probably need bindings and duct tape to do those! All in all as a smoker and over weight person it’s not hard nor is it too easy. i felt the burn. i became the burn..it’s a great start for someone just starting with barely any exercise in their daily routine. Thank you for putting something up for all body types!

  45. Pingback: Standing Abs Two « Tori Teaches Fitness

  46. I just started this, and I can already tell i’m going to love it. How long would you say before i can start to see results? Or how frequently should i do it to see results?

    Thanks 🙂

    • Hi Lisa!
      I’ve definitely gotten this question a number of times and there really isn’t a “right” answer. Here’s what I just replied to another reader:
      In terms of how often to do this, I always like to tell people that getting in variation is the most important thing you can do for yourself. If you start doing this everyday, your body will get used to it, and it won’t be as effective. That being said, lots of readers tell me they do this workout daily and see results.
      In terms of seeing results- it will really depend on the individual. Some have noticed a change in as little as 3 days, although for me personally- I have never noticed a change that fast from any exercise. So it will depend. But try out some other videos or combine with cardio and shoot for a few times a week!

      Let me know if you have other questions or are looking for more workout suggestions!

  47. Just found your standing abs workout on Pinterest! I am so excited to do this! I have an old back injury and gained 20 pounds because of my inability to do exercises. I am only 5 feet tall and have skinny arms and legs and it is ALL in my middle! Most workouts are just not do-able for me. Until now! I was able to do all of these!!!!! I was getting depressed about how I look and feel and how clothes don’t fit, but now I am so excited! I think this is the answer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  48. Finally something I think I can do .. Having never had to do anything to stay in shape and having kids and needing to do something I think this is a great start!! Thank you!!!

  49. Pingback: Every Minute Counts « Tori Teaches Fitness

  50. I just did this workout, and I LOVED it! I not only felt it in my core, but I also felt as though my arms and hips got a nice stretch. Thank you so much!

  51. I’d like to thank you for the efforts you’ve put in penning this website.
    I’m hoping to see the same high-grade content by you in the future as well. In fact, your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my very own site now 😉

  52. Ive just tried this workout and loved the fact it is so simple i can do it anywhere when i have a few minutes spare.
    Ive lost the weight from eveywhere else but cant seem to shift the muffin top.
    I even showed the girls at work in the nursing home with a spare tea towel. Thank you so much 🙂

  53. I just did this workout for the first time, and I’m already feeling it. Is it a “one time a day” workout? & When do you see the results? I can certainly feel them!!

    • Hi Cara,
      I’m glad you liked it so much! In terms of how often to do this, I always like to tell people that getting in variation is the most important thing you can do for yourself. If you start doing this everyday, your body will get used to it, and it won’t be as effective. That being said, lots of readers tell me they do this workout daily and see results.
      In terms of seeing results- it will really depend on the individual. Some have noticed a change in as little as 3 days, although for me personally- I have never noticed a change that fast from any exercise. So it will depend. But try out some other videos or combine with cardio and shoot for a few times a week!

  54. Wow I have done this exercise for two days and can feel the burn! I will definitely continue this simple exercise! Thank you for posting this one!

  55. Love the workout! I was so sore from it the first time, so I know it was effective. Now I’m hooked on it!! So glad I found this on pinterest. Thanks so much!!!

  56. love this workout i found it on pinterest and i have been doing it for almost a week and i can already see a difference in my body thank you!!

  57. Your ab work out was just the pick me up I needed this morning (and every morning). I love the fact that I did the whole workout in my kitchen after finishing the dishes. It’s is a no excuses workout.
    Thank you!!

  58. I came across your standing ab workout on Pinterest, and have to say, I love, Love, LOVE your workouts and website!!!!! I love how short yet effective they are! Perfect for a busy schedule, can squeeze them in throughout the day and not have that “blah- I didn’t get my workout -in-today” feeling!!!! You rock Tori!!!

  59. Hello I watched the video you did on these great excercises but I could not hear any sound. You just roll a towel and hold it behind your head? Is that correct? I want to try these good work 🙂 Thank you

    • that’s too bad about the sound! yes, you roll the towel and hold it, but you’re also trying to “pull it apart” to add contraction in the arm muscles. Also make sure you really squeeze your abdominals the entire time!! (it’s surprisingly easy to forget this part!). Enjoy 🙂

    • I pretty much do all my workouts at home these days. For legs I tend to do lots of squats and lunges and also leg lifts. I have a good leg workout I just filmed that I’ll be posting in a few weeks. If you’re interested in videos, you can click on the “quads” or “thighs” link on the side tab and a bunch of choices should pop up!

  60. Pingback: Anxiety, depression, laziness...Can the nameless wonder change? - Page 227 | Mark's Daily Apple Health and Fitness Forum page 227

  61. I saw this on Pinterest and I love it!!! It is genius I mean I try to work out everyday and this by far is most fun,quick, easy way to work out!! I can’t wait to see how it works for me!! I love it thanks so much!!!!!

  62. Pingback: Healthy Living, and Whole House Improvement Movement Projects 4&5… | Nostalgic Knucklehead's Journal (of sorts)

    • I don’t know much about the pathology behind diastasis recti, so I can’t really give you an answer. I definitely think that you know your own body better than anyone else, and you will also know if you’re doing something that is too much. You can also talk to your doctor or physical therapist about what sorts of physical activity you are limited to. Sorry I can’t be more helpful!

  63. just found this via Pinterest…Im excited to try it because sit ups are so boring! Im trying to prevent the Freshman 15, but I hate running because of my asthma…. i hope this helps! 🙂

  64. I found this video on pinterest and it is amazing, I’m trying to lose the 50lbs I gained with my son who is 8 months old. This targets every area in my body that needs it. I’m extremely out of shape and this worked my thighs, and upper arms too! It also relieved pressure in my back that is caused by a herniated disk. Definitely my #1 workout video! I still having problems where you rotate your hips with you chest in front, I can’t seem to do it correctly.

  65. tori,

    jumping is contraindicated for me because of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. do you have a recommendation for a modification of the jumping section?


    • Another commenter also asked about modifying the jumping part- here’s what I suggested to her:

      To modify, you can simply step back with one leg at a time and alternate sides. If you keep your chest forward and rotate through your hips to step the leg back, you should feel your abs engaging. It’s basically the same movement as the video, but with a step back on one foot instead of a jump with two. When you step back on the right, your right toes will face the right side of the room while your left toes stay pointed forward; on the left, it will be the opposite (similar to the first part of a cha-cha step). You’re twisting through center to use your abs, but avoiding the jumping.

      Let me know if that doesn’t work for you and I can offer another suggestion

  66. Reblogged this on fitgirlatwork and commented:
    This girl is so right. “When people think about working their abs the first things that come to mind are likely floor exercises…”

    Most people cant exactly layout on the floor at work. so read her blog about her Standing Abdominal workout.

  67. I did this yesterday and wow are my obliques sore. Love it! I’ll definitely be doing this again. Thanks for the great workout.

    • Hey Tori! Thanks so much for the abs workout! I have already seen results in just three days. I had a question. When you put your arms in front of you and jump to the side with your chest facing forward, I really feel it in my legs. I can feel it in my torso too but not as much as in my legs. I think I’m doing something wrong. What can you suggest? Again thanks for the great vid!

      • Hi Candace,
        You will definitely feel it in both places. It sounds like you’re doing it correctly to me! The only other thing I can suggest is making sure you’re really squeezing in your belly button. Let me know if that doesn’t help!

  68. I will start this tonight! I am horrible with starting and stopping something. But, I hope to keep this up.With a 5 year old and busy schedule I can most definately do this in my time before I take a shower. Maybe, I can come back in a few weeks and share my progress. Got to stay motivated. Thanks for sharing!

  69. My brother suggested I might like this blog. He was entirely right.
    This post actually made my day. You cann’t imagine just how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

  70. I saw this on pinterest and pinned it to my wall… Did my first of this routine today and plan on doing this everyday. Thanks for posting it!!

  71. I saw this on pinterest and started it 2 days ago. My plan is to do this every day (or almost everyday) until my wedding day in less than 10 months. I can absolutely feel the burn in my abs all throughout the day! And it’s not such a hard workout that I’ll easily give up on. I’m hoping to lose 20 pounds before the Big Day arrives. I’m already walking several times during the week and I’m also starting a Zumba class next week. I think this little workout is the perfect addition!

  72. I im going to do this routine everyday i can and see what results i get. Im currently at 128.0 5’0 and want to be at 110.00. Wish me luck and ill keep u updated!

  73. Pingback: Standing Abs with Tori Teaches « My Weight Loss Journey

  74. I found this on pinterest among all the other hundreds workout pins. But this stood out to me because it’s different. I tried it for the first time today, and I am feeling it already! I love this and I was able to involve my toddler! Which is a plus b/c she can make it very difficult to work out at home. I’ve already worked this into my routine and cannot wait to see some results!

    • Hi Meg,
      I am not very familiar with myfitnesspal, but after taking a look through the workouts, I’d probably classify this one as “Calisthenics- vigorous.” That’s the closest match, anyway. It’d be about 10 minutes. Is that what you meant? Let me know if I didn’t answer your question correctly!

  75. This is so awesome! It’s really tough, but that’s what I need!! 🙂 So how long will it take to get “good abs”?

    • Hi Kenzie!
      It will definitely vary from person to person in terms of how quickly you see results. The best thing you can do for good abs is to get variation in your workouts- not only in toning, but also in cardio. I like to do abs about 4-5 days of the week, but some people don’t even need that much!

  76. I definitely want to try these ab workouts! I have been trying to workout at least 4 times a week. The summer months are a little easier working out outdoors is the best motivator! Hiking, running, biking, ect. The winter months are a little more challenging try video gaming or dance workouts these workouts can fun and challenging.

  77. Found this on Pinterest last week and decided to do it yesterday morning before my shower. By the end of the video I had worked up a light sweat, but all of the moves were doable, so I thought this might be a nice little workout to add to my routine. Then I wake up this morning and it hits me! Those 10 minutes worked, I am feeling it! This will now be my pre-shower workout. Love it! Thanks so much for posting!!

  78. Thank you so much for replying…This really blows :/ but i will continue to do your work out because it it awesome (;……God bless you!!! And may he continue to keep you strong and healthy so you could keep being a great motovation and inspiration to others. 😀

  79. Even though I don’t keep a regular workout routine for long (I go a month or two getting in some exercise daily and then get lazy and “take some time off”) I’ve always considered myself in decent shape. This ab routine is quick and easy but I felt the pain long after I was done with it. I can’t wait to continue REGULARLY and see results! Thank you for posting a great workout.

  80. Hi Tori! Thanks for posting your AWSOME workout, I love it so much I do it daily & sure do feel the burn which means it really is working:) Thanks again girl!

  81. Hi Tori i this is a great workout 😉 i was wondering if you could make a cardio workout for ba knees. I have patellar tendinitis (or so they say) ive been struggling with this for 4 months now and its very depressing that just walking makes my knees sore. 😦 i cant kneel or do much with my knees. If you know of a good cardio i can do at home please let me know thanks!!

    • Hi Jessica!
      I’m sorry about your knees 😦 That’s never any fun! If walking hurts your knees, then pretty much any cardio activity involving the legs will hurt.

      But! there’s good news. This doesn’t mean you can’t do cardio. I have two suggestions, but neither one is really going to make a good video (sorry!).

      The first is cardio arms. Instinctively, I thought of rowing, but I’d worry that may still hurt your knees due to the bending. There are machines where you row your arms around in a circle while the rest of your body stays still- it’s kind of like a bicycle for the arms- it’s great cardio work and will simultaneously strengthen your arms.

      The second idea is to do cardio in a swimming pool- have you heard of water aerobics? This takes all of the impact off of your lower body, and you may even be able to “jump” around in the pool. I am not certified in water aerobics, so I don’t have a ton of ideas for this, but I’m sure you could find some good resources on youtube.

      I hope this was at least a little bit helpful! Please let me know if there is anything more I can do!!


  82. This is awesome, thank you Tori!!! I started seeing results after 3 days!!! I kid you not! I am on week 3 and down two inches off of my hips/waist…combined with eating healthier. Thanks so much :)))

  83. Just started doing P90 and the cardio/abs is kicking my butt! I’ve been having a lot of trouble with the abs because of our hardwood floors…even a mat doesn’t cushion my lower back enough! I’m excited to try this!! Is there anything you suggest instead of the jumping ones? I cannot jump around on my knee after a tennis injury…I need surgery on it but need to lose weight first. Anyway, I just finished today’s session and I’m going to try your workout while I’m still sweaty!! HA!

    • That’s great! P90X is definitely tough. Another commenter also asked about modifying the jumping part- here’s what I suggested to her:

      To modify, you can simply step back with one leg at a time and alternate sides. If you keep your chest forward and rotate through your hips to step the leg back, you should feel your abs engaging. It’s basically the same movement as the video, but with a step back on one foot instead of a jump with two. When you step back on the right, your right toes will face the right side of the room while your left toes stay pointed forward; on the left, it will be the opposite (similar to the first part of a cha-cha step). You’re twisting through center to use your abs, but avoiding the jumping.

      Let me know if that doesn’t work for you and I can offer another suggestion 🙂

  84. I’m so glad I found this! I have always hated ab work on the floor & mats because of back issues but this was such a great workout and I definitely felt it the next day! I’ve started doing it every other day and am finally feeling like I’m making the progress I want to make! Thank you so much!

  85. Ooof, I was sore this morning after that workout yesterday. So I did it again today! How frequently do you recommend doing this routine?

    • Hi Ruth! Glad to hear you were sore 🙂 I’ve actually gotten that question a few times before. Here is my general suggestion:

      The number one thing I recommend to anyone is to make sure you’re getting variation in your workouts. Though this standing abs routine is great, if it’s done too frequently, you’ll start to find that it doesn’t challenge your body as much.

      I, personally, try to do about 10-20 minutes of abdominal exercises 5-6 days per week. Some people may prefer to do more and some less. You have to monitor yourself and make sure you’re not pushing too hard (because this can lead to injury). You want to feel that the work is challenging, but not to the point where you feel faint or ill.

      I’d suggest this video maybe 2-3 times per week at most. The reason I’d caution against doing it more often than this is because it’ll start to get boring and less challenging (but, again, this will vary by individual- it may take doing this 6 times per week for a month before feeling unchallenged or bored). It’s difficult to make general recommendations when everyone’s body types and fitness levels are so different.

      You can also try a few of my other abdominal workout videos along with this one so that you’re getting some variation. Try to push yourself so that you are challenged, but listen to your body if it feels like too much.

  86. I hate crunches so this workout is great for my neglected abs. I love it! Doing this twice a week and hopefully will be able to keep up with you soon!

  87. That was great!!!! Thank you for posting this!! My 6th baby will be 1 on Monday….(I’ve also had 2 sets of twins) needless to say my ABS are shot. I enjoyed this! It not only got my abs a good workout, my heat rate was also up!! AWESOME 10 mintue workout!! I’ll be looking at your other workouts too!! I need to lose the final 15 pounds!!!! I can do it right???? : )

  88. I think I am going to start doing this in the mornings before I leave for classes. It doesnt take much time and it looks like it would be effective. Thanks for making this video.

  89. Can’t wait to try these. I can’t do cruches and sit up because it hurts my back too much. I’d love to lose some of my muffin top and the love handles can go too! haha Thanks.

  90. I love this workout! Tori, you are an excellent instructor. I have watched and attempted some of your other videos, too. I plan on making your workouts part of my routine and am looking forward to exercising with you. Thank you so much. I have already recommended your site to my sister.

  91. Pingback: Stopping The Dreaded Freshmen 15

  92. This is just what I was looking for. I had a c-section 5 months ago and I am still having a lot of pain in my incision sight so abdominal workouts are really tough for me. This gave me a great workout but didn’t put too much stress on my incision. Thank you so much!

  93. Ok…owwww is all I can say. Stomach muscles are on fire!!! Felt the burn more with this than I have doing sets of crunches & situps! Thanks for the workout!

  94. A friend posted this so I decided to try it. I love it. You’re easy to follow and understand. I’m going to incorporate this with Myfitnesspal. Thank you! – Carolyn

  95. So I tried this yesterday and thought it was pretty easy- didn’t even think it was doing much for me. But today I woke up and was so sore!! I can’t believe something so easy actually had an impact. I’m going to put this into my workout routine!

    • Thanks, Paula! The CD is all songs that I picked myself though a fitness music website called “clickmix.” You can pretty much pick any song you like, find it, set the BPM (I choose 32) and then it will give you a remix. You can preview the songs as well to make sure you like it. The first song in this video is “Tonight is the night” by Shanti, and the second is “We are young” by DJ shocker. I have some other music websites listed under my music tab as well!

  96. I really enjoyed that. I can’t do the jumping/switch to the side ones, due to the impact on a bad knee. Any suggestions on an alternative during those portions??

  97. I really enjoyed that.. I can’t do the jumping/switching to the sides ones, it’s too much stress on a bad knee. Any suggestions for an alternative for those portions?

    • Hi Jackie,
      That portion mainly adds more of a cardio component. To modify, you can simply step back with one leg at a time and alternate sides. If you keep your chest forward and rotate through your hips to step the leg back, you should feel your abs engaging. It’s basically the same movement as the video, but with a step back on one foot instead of a jump with two. When you step back on the right, your right toes will face the right side of the room while your left toes stay pointed forward; on the left, it will be the opposite (similar to the first part of a cha-cha step). You’re twisting through center to use your abs, but avoiding the jumping. Let me know if I didn’t describe this clearly enough!

  98. This was awesome!! I am just trying to get back into shape after being really sick and having surgery and I know I will be feeling this tomorrow!! I will definitely have to check out some of your other videos!!
    Thanks so much!!

  99. Pingback: Sore Butt Sweat Sesh « Tori Teaches Fitness

    • Hi Wendy,

      The number one thing I recommend to anyone is to make sure you’re getting variation in your workouts. Though this standing abs routine is great, if it’s done too frequently, you’ll start to find that it doesn’t challenge your body as much.

      I, personally, try to do about 10-20 minutes of abdominal exercises 5-6 days per week. Some people may prefer to do more and some less. You have to monitor yourself and make sure you’re not pushing too hard (because this can lead to injury). You want to feel that the work is challenging, but not to the point where you feel faint or ill.

      I’d suggest this video maybe 2-3 times per week at most. The reason I’d caution against doing it more often than this is because it’ll start to get boring and less challenging (but, again, this will vary by individual- it may take doing this 6 times per week for a month before feeling unchallenged or bored). It’s difficult to make general recommendations when everyone’s body types and fitness levels are so different.

      You can also try a few of my other abdominal workout videos along with this one so that you’re getting some variation. Try to push yourself so that you are challenged, but listen to your body if it feels like too much.

      Hope that helps!

      • Thanks Tori! I have 16 month old twins and am finally getting around to taking care of myself again. Started jogging about 6 weeks ago and am below my pre-pregnancy weight (finally) and I’m not eating like I’m carrying twins anymore…that’s helping a lot:) But I never had to work my abs before…guess I was just lucky enough to have a flat stomach. It’s a little different now LOL!

      • That’s great, congratulations!! My guess is that if you already had a flat stomach before the pregnancy, and you’re already below your pre-pregnancy weight that my abs exercises should work really well for you. I definitely recommend my abs challenge series also- they are killers! Keep me posted and let me know how things go!

  100. My back is in constant pain – I will be using your workout for a replacement – I just need my abs to start to tone up in order to start my back to feeling better! This is the way to my recovering.

    • I’ve also been dealing with some lower back pain. I actually have a bunch of exercises from physical therapy that I was planning on posting eventually….I just have to find them first! It’s a tedious process, but worthwhile if the pain goes away!

    • The extent to which you feel it with any exercise will definitely depend on the timing. You might not feel sore just after the workout, but it can creep up on you a day or two later.

      If you still feel like it hasn’t worked your obliques well enough, then it may be that your fitness level is at a point where you have to repeat this particular sequence more than once to be sore.

      That being said, if you don’t feel like it’s either of the above, here are a few tips that will help to keep in mind:

      1.) Make sure you’re squeezing in your abdominals throughout the entire workout. It’s surprisingly difficult to remember to do this! Keeping the contraction is a bit harder when you’re standing because you really have to focus more to do this.

      2.) When you’re squeezing to the side try to lean over as far ad you possibly can without falling. Imagine yourself creating a 90 degree angle at your waistline (as far as I know this isn’t really possible, but it helps to visualize and get your obliques to crunch). If you like, you can try comparing what it feels like to lean slightly to the side vs. leaning wayyyy over as far to the side as you can- just doing this should help you feel a difference. Make sure you really lean over to the side even when your balance is challenged as you lift your leg.

      3.) For the most part, you keep your toes facing forward (aside from the jumping sequence at the end). Planting your lower body down and stabilizing it will also help you work through your obliques.

      The harder you squeeze your abs and the more you push yourself to lean into your side from the waistline, the tougher it will be. The soreness from this workout should be on the sides of your abs and not as much in the middle area.

      I hope that helps! Let me know if you have other questions or if there’s any other way I can help!

  101. Pingback: Notes about the standing abs trend « Tori Teaches Fitness

    • Hi Roze,
      Results from these exercises will definitely vary by individual and also by frequency, duration, and diet. For me personally, I think the standing ab stuff really helps shed down “love handles.” Hope that helps a little bit!

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